Cure the Evil Eye With a Ksematiasma App on Your Phone!


By Kerry Kolasa-Sikiaridi
A superstition shared by all Greeks is the evil eye, or “mati.” It is believed that someone can cast the evil eye onto another person out of envy (either good or bad) and jealousy.

You are said to be “matiasmenos” (the evil eye has been cast upon you) if you are dizzy or have a headache and yawn a lot. The good news is that you can have the “spell” broken by someone who knows how to do a special ritual done with oil, water and prayers.

You no longer need to wake up your aunt or grandma in the middle of the night when your head hurts and you realize that you have been cursed by someone giving you the evil eye thanks to the innovative Ksematiasma App by Atcom Internet and Multimedia SA for your android phone!

The application connects you with a digital grandma, or yiayia in Greek, and she even asks you how you think you came to be cursed!

“They gave you “the eye” for your sweetness, for your beauty, or for your luck?” she asks those wishing to be helped. Then the yiayia walks you through the steps you need to break the curse.

To see more or download the free application for iphone, look here.
To see more or download the free application for android, look here.

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