Xenia Gastronomy Summit

An international caliber event on the future of gastronomy in the Tourism industry!
Innovative ideas and modern gastronomy techniques will “dominate” the main stage of the Gastronomy Summit, the most comprehensive forum of gastronomy in the Tourism and Hospitality industry, which will be held as part of the Xenia exhibition.

Xenia Gastronomy Summit
The three days of the exhibition, as part of the Gastronomy Summit, will include high-quality live demonstrations on all the modern gastronomy techniques applied today in the hospitality industry (hotels and hotel restaurants), both in terms of cooking, as well as confectionery.
Speakers will include distinguished chefs and pastry chefs from Greece and abroad. The presentations and demonstrations will be addressed to Executive Chefs, Pastry Chefs, Hotel Managers, F&B Managers, from Greece’s entire tourism industry.

The aim of these presentations is to inform professional visitors about all the latest gastronomic developments applied to hotels today—from cooking and pastry techniques to up-to-date presentations for hotel buffets (Resort & City hotels)—thus helping them to acquire further knowledge on the upgrading of their food product and to establish points of attraction for tourists of special interest, who make up a specialized demand group for gastronomic tourism today. The Gastronomy Summit event is the result of the new collaboration between Xenia exhibition and Gastronomy Essentials.

The international renowned team of Ritz Hotel at Xenia Gastronomy Summit 

Ritz Hotel at Xenia Gastronomy Summit
The high level of events to be held at the Xenia Gastronomy Summit is supported by a line up of distinguished guest chefs who will present interesting live shows. One of the strongest appearances is expected to be the team of the international renowned Ecole Ritz Escoffie cooking school, the historic Ritz hotel in Paris.

The demonstrations will focus on dishes from the recent menu of “Les Jardins de L'Espadon” and “La Table L'Espadon”, awarded with 1 and 2 stars respectively, with a detailed description of how to use the most modern techniques for impeccable creations with delicious flavor. Given the extremely high technical performance and level of this presentation, the bar is quite high, completing the professional profile of Xenia

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