Public Debt Management Agency considering issuing bonds worth 4-8 bln euros in 2020

The Public Debt Management Agency's (PDMA) state funding for 2020 will focus on the continuous presence in the international debt markets, accompanied by the reduction in debt stock, it said in a report released on Tuesday, while maintaining the current level of cash reserves.

In its Funding Strategy report released on December 24 (in both Greek and English), PDMA said the two main financing scenarios for 2020 it was considering, depending on the amount of early repayments, envisages either

a) the reduction in T-bills’ stock through issuance of additional Greek government bonds (GGBs), or
b) additional possible early prepayments of official and private sector debt.

It added that the final amount of early prepayments will depend on market conditions in 2020.
In the data included, it said that medium and long-term debt issuance, as new money transactions, would total 4 billion euros in the first scenario and 8 billion euros in the second.

Funding Strategy for 2020
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