To train or not to train ? That's the question!

If a business wants to succeed, it will certainly need well-trained employees. The most small businesses often don't include employee training in their budget when they need to reduce costs.

By Vassilios Canellos

Why is training useful?

Nobody wants to work in a dead end job for a long period. Employees need to feel like they do a valuable work that makes a difference for their company. They feel great when the company spends time and effort to give them some extra knowledge.

When you get close to your team with training it helps them to do better job in their current position and prepares them for future responsibilities.

Small businesses often fear that employees will quit after a training course and seek development opportunities in other companies, so they hesitate to do something to enforce staff education. Employees that are periodically trained, usually stay longer with their employer and have a sense of loyalty that keeps them engaged.

When you stimulate your employees with a training program, you make them feel important. The money you spend on an employee education might seem a lot, but you quickly recover the expense by better quality and faster work.

How to do an effective training?

Explain to your workers what training and development opportunities you will give them.

Make sure you present your education as something that benefits them. Make sure everyone in your organization has a defined role so that you can understand the skills needed for each position. Doing so will help you divide your training programs and provide relevant training to each of your employees and make your training program interesting & efficient.

Give them a chance to choose the kind of training they like, not just the one that the company chose for them. They will appreciate the choice more than you know.

To accomplish your training and development goals, try using different methods. Employ online resources as well as book and classroom learning to command attention and prevent boredom. You should also look for unconventional ways to provide education if you can – variety counts.

Take advantage of available educational technologies that make flexible training practices possible even for small organizations. For example, educational websites and applications can engage employees during their free time or during scheduled time set aside for training.

Employees can also have the option of taking advantage of massive open online courses and e-learning platforms. Technology-based training is efficient, cheap, and convenient, so why not give it a try.

When it comes to offline methods, consider trade conferences and professional seminars. They supply an outstanding environment that will educate your team about your industry while teaching them how to work more efficiently.

You should also employ in-house training methods that transfer knowledge from seasoned workers to the less experienced. Such opportunities can use varying degrees of structure and formality to get the job done.

You can’t afford not to have a training program in place for your employees. When your workers have the training they need to performer jobs well, they feel valuable and stay engaged with your company’s mission.

Similarly, when you give your team members a pathway to advancement, they remain motivated and loyal.

Keep teaching your employees and encourage them to reach their full potential and you will reap the rewards for many years to come.
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