6 Unusual Bartender Jobs

Bartending is an amazing skill to have and there are many different places to work at.They are all bartenders but we can separate them in different kinds.

Unusual Bartender Jobs

Bartender Barista
“Bartender barista” is actually an oxymoron.
Usually, people would consider a bartender and a barista to consist of two different jobs. One handling coffees and the other handling alcoholic beverages. In the past couple of years though, many small coffee shops and bars have begun to infuse the two.

Coffee shops began to realize that to generate as much revenue as possible, it was important to stay open at night. So, they began to serve beer and other cocktails.

The trend really made a hit when Starbucks began serving alcohol in 2015.

All of this gives bartenders extra opportunities in the workforce.

If you love being a mixologist or crafting new and interesting beverages, but love the simplicity and relaxing vibe of a coffee shop, a bartender barista may be the perfect job for you.

Cruise Ship Bartender
Love traveling…the open seas…sunshine…

Then being a cruise ship bartender may be the perfect job for you. But don’t assume that being a bartender on a cruise ship is easy.

Cruise ship bartenders are known to have to work 12-14 hour shifts. With so many people on vacation, the drinking does not begin in the late afternoon and into the night like most bars, but rather begins in the morning and never slows down.

You will also be expected to work 7 days a week and for as long as the cruise ship is out of port.

When not working, you will mostly spend time in the cabin or hanging out with other employees. You will most likely also have the opportunity to explore the different ports (when you are not working that is).

It is worth knowing, that most cruise ships have a “drink package” that comes included with the vacationers payment. The drink package usually has an 18-20% gratuity added and most likely a limited amount of drinks to choose from, so memorizing drinks is fairly easy.

Alcohol-Free Bartender
An alcohol-free bartender is exactly what it sounds like… you will be expected to serve non-alcoholic beverages.

Although most alcohol-free bartenders are normal bartenders by day, being skilled in making non-alcoholic drinks can be lucrative.

You can often secure jobs at events where both adults and children will be attending. This includes: weddings, bar-mitzvahs, and birthdays.

Wedding Bartender
Becoming known as a great wedding bartender can be very lucrative. Bartending at an event where people are extremely happy usually leads to great tips.

Often, the hiring of a wedding bartender occurs from word of mouth suggestions, from one couple to the next, so it is important to make a good impression.

When people are at a wedding they often end up drinking more than they usually would, so it is important to be able to recognize the signs of someone being over the limit.

Couples will often demand that the bartender for their wedding is certified or licensed for that exact problem. To find out if a license is required for your state, or where to find one if you would like to be licensed regardless click here.

Mobile Bartender
A mobile bartender is usually someone that does not work at a fixed location, but is rather hired to work events.

Lately though, with the rise of food trucks, mobile bartending has become synonymous with bartenders in trucks.

These bartenders usually show up to events including concerts and sports venues to serve.

Mobile bartending is not allowed by all states and counties, so it is worth contacting your local City Clerks Office for approval.

Casino Bartender
Depending on the type of casino you are in, working as a bartender can be a lucrative job.

With money exchanging hands constantly, customers are often more liberal with their tips. It’s not uncommon to walk away from a shift in a casino with a large tip out.

Remember though, that as a casino bartender, your job may be different than past bartender jobs. You will often be asked to walk around and approach customers at slot machines or tables. In this sense, you are both a server and a bartender.

What you will find as a bartender in most casinos are three kinds of people.
  1. The people that just want to be left alone at the slot machines.
  2. The people that are very talkative.
  3. The people that have lost everything and are already drunk or on their way there.

Casino bartender jobs are often highly sought out positions. If you can’t find an open position at a casino, we recommend you apply for either a server or bar-back position and wait for an opening

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