Is coffee safe for the health?

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world. We enjoy it every moment of the day and in many different variations.

We must choose the coffee, for home use or when we are out in a  cafe, not only on the basis of taste but having in mind, the quality of the grain and the caffeine content.

Experts recommend not to consume more than 500 mg of caffeine daily, especially if we have headaches or have an increased sensitivity to this ingredient.

See the Mayo Clinic table, which shows the average caffeine content of various types of coffee.

Coffee drinksSize in oz. (mL)Caffeine (mg)
Brewed8 (237)95-165
Brewed, decaf8 (237)2-5
Espresso1 (30)47-64
Espresso, decaf1 (30)0
Instant8 (237)63
Instant, decaf8 (237)2
Latte or mocha8 (237)63-126
TeasSize in oz. (mL)Caffeine (mg)
Brewed black8 (237)25-48
Brewed black, decaf8 (237)2-5
Brewed green8 (237)25-29
Ready-to-drink, bottled8 (237)5-40
SodasSize in oz. (mL)Caffeine (mg)
Citrus (most brands)8 (237)0
Cola8 (237)24-46
Root beer (most brands)8 (237)0
Energy drinksSize in oz. (mL)Caffeine (mg)
Energy drink8 (237)27-164
Energy shot1 (30)40-100
It should be noted that the amounts above, are indicative, as the caffeine content depends on many factors, such as the roasting process and the roasting duration.
It should be kept in mind that the differences between different types of coffee can be significant and depend largely on the amount of coffee used to produce a cup.
According to Dr. Rob van Dam, a professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard University, coffee contains a substance called caffestole, which raises "bad" cholesterol (LDL) levels. Greek coffee contains higher amounts of caffestole than espresso.
However, studies show that Greek coffee is generally quite healthy as it contains organic compounds with anti-inflammatory activity. One cup (227g) of Greek coffee contains about 135mg of caffeine.
Dozens of studies have focused on the potential benefits of coffee to our health, with many of them resulting in positive associations. The common ground in all studies is that coffee provides maximum benefits when consumed without sugar, milk or other additives (such as flavored syrup).
We should also prefer organic farming coffee, as its grains are not sprayed with insecticides and pesticides.
For the filter coffee, we should use a paper filter as it retains better, harmful substances, but it allows the beneficial antioxidants to pass into the distillate.
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